Tuesday, December 21st, 2021, 16:23
Mood: Accomplished
Siren has just been having a bunch of shit and taking it in stride like a total champ. We went to the dentist today and she had her first cavity. Fortunately it was caught really quickly, so it wasn't a big production to drill out or anything. I was 100% more afraid of it for her than she was for herself lol. I've never had a cavity! I didn't know what they were gonna do to her. Her surgery is tomorrow at 7:30 in the morning, so we'll have to get up super, super early. In the meantime, I'm nesting hardcore. I cleaned out our fridge and I'm about to restock on groceries and clean out our pantry. I also have to get our laundry dealt with as well. I'm so glad we scheduled this for in between semesters, so I can actually take time to be a caregiver. It was admittedly really difficult to juggle caregiving when Patrick had surgery in September with work and school. This is a lot more tranquil for sure, though it's still stressful--especially because she's literally my baby and I hate that anything uncomfortable or medical has to happen to her ever, aside from routine stuff like shots. I guess the doctors think this is going to be a walk in the park, though, because I've known multiple other people in the community to have their surgeries cancelled due to how overloaded the hospital system is here. I know a woman in her 80s who won't be able to have her hip replaced because the local hospitals are too full of covid patients. I wonder if anyone who's unvaccinated has considered that they might be taking space from an elder who needs their hip replaced. 🤷🤷🤷