Saturday, January 8th, 2022, 13:37
Mood: Sick
Siren and I literally have the coronavirus lmao. We've both been symptomatic for a couple days but thought on Thursday that we must just have EDS. Genuinely our symptoms were not irregular. I wouldn't have thought to get us tested except for yesterday, Siren snuggled in my lap complaining of a headache--again, EDS, we get headaches all the time--and I noticed she was feverish. Immediately I loaded her up into the Jeep and took her to the pediatric urgent care, where she tested positive on a rapid. I'm not gonna bother getting tested because of the testing shortage here in Indiana. I'm not gonna waste a test on myself when I can just presume myself positive. Initially, I felt so foolish; I misjudged our symptoms and she'd been in school a whole day, and I even went to the gym and worked out for about 45 minutes! The mom guilt was real. Patrick told me to shut the fuck up about all that and he's frankly right. Nobody around here really takes it very seriously or care. Well, that's how we got in this mess in the first place. And this is precisely why, although we've all gotten our vaccines and boosters, we continue to wear masks in public.
So far our symptoms are very mild. Actually, Siren's symptoms are more unpleasant than mine. Her fever was 100.3f, and it resolved on its own overnight. She's also had a bad headache, sinus congestion, a sore throat, and poor appetite. My symptoms are just sinus congestion, sore throat, and some intermittent fatigue and chills. Siren's pretty uncomfortable, but she says it's a lot better than when she had pneumonia back in 2019, and not much different than a flu. That was pretty scary as a mom to go through, but this really isn't scary. For me, this is really not different than a cold. I am so grateful that we were able to get vaccinated. I think probably, since we got vaccinated, the worst part about all this is that we're stuck in my room until we get better. We've both been a lot sicker than this before. I just hope our symptoms resolve quickly with no lingering effects.
I can't stress this enough that everyone needs to get vaccinated. I think, with the amount of virus circulating through the community, there was really no way to prevent this from happening. Tons of people in our lives have tested positive lately, and we've been exposed multiple times. But I feel we are well-protected from covid's most dangerous effects!
Besides all this, apparently "twee fashion" is trending on TikTok. We didn't really call it "twee" back in the late 00s and early 10s when it was first popular, but y'all know the type of fashion I'm talking about. It's characterized by vintage-style dresses with feminine prints, solid color skater skirts, long beaded necklaces, sweaters--I don't really know how to describe it, I guess. A lot of fashion bloggers between the late 00s and the early 10s were really into it. Did y'all know people still regularly use! I don't have the patience to do any OOTDs before work or whatever. Besides which, I think my Canon XSi DSLR from the late 00s has finally taken a shit on me and stopped working, and I haven't gotten around to fixing it yet, but maybe I can work on that while I'm stuck in isolation with Siren.
One of the things I wanted to accomplish this past week before everything went to shit was I wanted to clean out my office. I want to sew stuff again. I'm getting a little tired of knittng and crocheting. Well, that's not true. I just miss sewing. My office is such a disaster. I go through phases where eventually it turns into Siren's coloring room and a place for me to just dump shit in. That's not happening now tho. So I guess I will spend my time in isolation trying to figure out how to get my DSLR to start working again, and finding more fashion inspiration to incorporate more "twee" staples into my wardrobe. I recently bought a Peter Pan collar and a long black beaded necklace, and Pat's mom (who buys and sells used jewelry) is giving me a bunch of long beaded necklaces for my birthday. So I'll be able to occupy this micro-trend for 3-4 weeks before getting totally sick of it and moving onto something else. I wish I could just consistently stick with one aesthetic, but it seems I treat them like a revolving door of ways to occupy my time.
Having covid is mostly just really fucking boring lol. I'm so glad we're not that sick, but I also have a hard time justifying it to myself to rest up if my symptoms are not very severe.