Wednesday, January 12th, 2022, 17:23
Mood: Still Fucking Sick
The good news is that Siren is basically all the way better, aside from a lingering cough and mild congestion. Her energy level is back and she's been totally fever-free since Sunday. We had a scare on Saturday. She developed a rash along the trunk of her body, both the front and the back. It was particularly trippy and wild, because I had dreamt several days ago that she developed a really disgusting rash on the front of her chest, and it was in that exact location that she developed a rash in real life. Fortunately, she overcame that after a couple days of calamine. I think for the most part she's back to normal, but I don't want to jinx it.
The rash was actually a pretty crazy story. I had no idea what the deal was--this is my first time seeing/treating covid up close and personal--so I looked online a bit, and saw that a lot of kids nowadays are developing a rash with omicron. My dad (who is an RN) was asleep so I called the nurse line for our health insurance to ask how to treat it, and they advised me to call the pediatrician's office. The pediatrician's office referred me to yet another nurse line, who advised me to take her to be seen by an MD within the hour, because of the possibility that it was a MIS-C symptom. So now I'm like actually freaking out, because what if my kid dies? Also, it's like 9pm by this point, and there's nowhere to go in town for medical care except the ER, where we would ostensibly be triaged so long we'd have gotten through covid, tested negative, and had two birthdays before being seen. I found a telemedicine urgent care and the MD said, wow holy cow, that it was a normal covid symptom in kids and to just put calamine lotion on it. Gotta love being a mom. It's basically just worrying for the rest of my life. But the important thing is that she's ok. I'm so glad. Now I can worry for the next year that the covid will trigger her to develop diabetes, like the CDC released the day she tested positive.
The bad news is I'm a bit worse. I now have a cough and my throat has been much more sore all day, plus worse fatigue/weakness. My symptoms are still mild, but it's been much harder to do things these past couple days. It's hard to say if it's worse covid or worse EDS or both, I just hope it resolves soon. It's been six days since my first symptoms, but I'm beginning to question if those were covid symptoms or just winter/EDS symptoms. Dude being chronically ill sucks ass. Even with covid, it's still a total gamble if it's covid symptoms or EDS symptoms. I have no idea when to go back to work. I think the earliest I can come back in is Tuesday the 18th. I was supposed to start my teaching practicum this week. I'm so sad. Like even though my symptoms are mild, it still sucks, and there's still tons of uncertainty.
Ultimately my biggest takeaway is that being vaccinated is the best way to go. I could not imagine going through this as an unvaccinated person, especially with EDS!!!!!!!! GET FUCKING VACCINATED!!!!!!!!
Hopefully soon I can update on here something other than about covid. I've been super super invested in the #tweerevival on TikTok and watching hella YouTube videos about 2010s trends. I guess some of them are coming back for 2022. ModernGurlz predicts that Lita boots, ballet flats, plaid, velvet, and statement tights are gonna be making a comeback, albeit in a very decidedly un-2010s mode. I don't even care. I'm gonna keep sticking to this 90s/10s revival and I will permit some staples of Y2K and 00s fashion to grace my closet in the coming year. I think that bringing jelly shoes back could be kind of cool, and rhinestones and glitter should never have gone out of style. But... low riders? Visible thongs?! Yeah, I'm good. Anyway, this is how I'm occupying my time when not doing work from home, lol. Hopefully before too long I'll be done with my next two crop tops.