Thursday, February 17th, 2022, 22:04
Mood: Sick
No literally me and fucking Siren are fucking sick again. I'm not even shitting you. We both have colds. So far for me it's just the sniffles and a light sore throat, but I was still able to work out yesterday at the gym. Siren, on the other hand, has a low-grade fever, sore throat, and a lot of head congestion. Again I find myself wishing I could just take her discomfort away and make it my own. Then again the last time I did that, I ended up with covid bronchitis. Seriously I am so sick of us showing up at the pediatric urgent care lmao. I asked Siren yesterday if she prefers being really smart but sick constantly or if she'd rather be less smart but rarely sick, and she said she prefers it this way because she doesn't have to really pay attention in class or try and she can just skate by with minimal effort. If anyone is wondering how lazy my daughter is, that's how.
On the flip side, we get to spend a lot of time together when we're sick, so that's kind of cool. I feel like these days in particular we're busier than ever, and it's only gonna get worse since I got this new job. That's gonna add another 20hrs/wk to my schedule. I'm also interviewing for jobs for whenever my GAship is over in May, so that'll add even more work on my shoulders. It's gonna have to be a precarious act to balance all of these jobs, but it's worth it. I don't want us to be living impoverished anymore--and, frankly, our healthcare costs are stupid ridiculous high.
Speaking of things that cost, I came into a little extra fuckoff money and got myself some presents. I got a new mustard-colored corduroy skirt, sick ass used Birkenstocks for only $18 plus shipping, and a new belt. And I got Siren the illustrated version of The Diary of Anne Frank, a Brad Meltzer picture book biography on Anne Frank, and then a graphic novel called Smile. I've also been spending some time trying to curate different books for her that fit her weird specific needs, where her reading level is advanced but she's got ADHD and hates reading anything that doesn't have pictures. So we'll give these books a shot and see how it goes.
It's seriously such a privilege to be this kid's mom, she's so fucking cool. I was trippin last night bc it occurred to me that, since covid was a month ago, what if her "cold" is actually MIS-C and she's on the way to being seriously fucked up? Then my own cold symptoms got worse and her congestion got worse. It's more likely from us being careless about wearing masks in public ever since we had covid, and our already hypersensitive immune systems are overreacting to being exposed to everyone's funk ass air again.
Anyway I haven't been posting worth shit but I've been super busy, like I said. I also just lost interest because, well, that's me, just quickly moving on from preoccupation to preoccupation. I am very polyamorous about my special interests I guess. But there is a ton of good news I can't wait to reveal, not least of which are the sick new Birks I bought tonight.